The GBA IPad Emulator

It’s come to my attention that the current most popular app that people are getting on their IPads at our school is the GBA Emulator. It’s nice to see that classics making a comeback, but I’ll I see people play is Pokemon. I’m here to tell you to branch out. The GBA has a lot more games to offer. I, myself am playing Metroid: Zero Mission, Metroid: Fusion, and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. I am really loving all three of them. Go on to a ROM site and try something new for once.

Story Thing 3

“Mr. Timothy Bell. I have been reviewing your performance recently.”, Wright said as I entered the room. “I’m not too pleased with your recent performance. You still have a chance to redeem yourself. If you can pick up the slack throughout next week, I’ll overlook your failures.””Failures?”, I questioned.”Failures? Including, but not limited to: your several tardies, the broken navigational system, and the malfunctioning engines.” Those had happened several weeks ago, I think. But that didn’t seem to matter to him. “I would advise you to take this chance, Bell. You are dismissed.”
I hurried away to the generator room. If Wright wants me to work harder, that’s what I’ll do.

Story Thing 2

‘That’ll make my third tardy in row, maybe?’, I thought as I unscrewed the front panel of the main circuit board. All the breakers were in the correct place, so I moved on to the wiring. The downstairs lighting wire was a bit ripped, so I gave it a new covering. This was the same thing that happened everyday. It was so boring. I contemplated quitting before we left port about a week ago, but that wasn’t an option. I didn’t what to spend another month unemployed. “Hey, Tim.”, a voice from behind me said. It was Calvin Lucas, the ships main engineer and my friend since I started working for Atlas Shipping. “Wright needs you on deck.” he said. ‘What does he want this time’, I wondered as I stood up. I hurried to the command deck. It’s best not to be late twice a day.

That’ll be it for today. I plan on writing the next chapter this weekend.

Story Thing

This is a story that I “attempted” to write. I found it buried in my desk. I’ve decided to write here, while I’m thinking about it.

Ping! Ping! Piiiiiiiiing! The early morning wake up call jostled me from my sleep. I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision and started the daily routine: straighten the sheets, throw on some clothes, and get to the command deck. The rest of the crew was waiting in line. ‘Leave it to me to be the last again.’, I thought. Our captain, Paul Wright, was making notes in his log as he checked that we were all here. He dismissed us, and everybody headed towards their stations. I took a turn to my right and hurried towards the generator room, where I worked as the ship’s electrician. It was another day aboard the USS Legacy.

It’s not a lot, but it’s a start. I’ll have to look over my original story and see what happens next.

Under the Milky Way
Photo Credit: Steve Jurvetson via Compfight