Sir, You Are Being Hunted Review

I wanted this game for a while, but I was unwilling to pay twenty dollars for it. After two months of waiting for it to go on sale, I finally gave in. And guess what happens right after I buy the game? It goes on sale!

The concept of this game is a strange one. It takes place on an archipelago, with several settlements built on it. However, all of them have been abandoned. I haven’t figured out why there are no people, probably because most of the story is found in scattered books and letters. Oh, and the island is filled with robots dressed up as Victorian gentleman who are hunting you down.

An opening cutscene narrated by your butler Mr. Walters reveals that you were involved in some sort of experiment, which went terribly wrong. Somehow, the experiment had sent you to the aforementioned archipelago. Several pieces of a strange “device” have been scattered around the islands, and must return them to a circle of stones on the central island to get home. However, the tireless robots are constantly patrolling the islands in search of you.

To escape the islands, you will have to retrieve fragments of the device and return them to the center isle. The more fragments you have returned, the harder it gets. You will also encounter several varieties of robots. There is the hunter; your regular shotgun-toting, garden-variety robot. There is the poacher; a stout robot who sets traps. There is also the terrifying landowner, who towers high above the ground and carries a deadly shockwave producing cane.

While collecting fragments and hiding from robots, you will also have to manage your vitality, which slowly decreases over time. If you do not keep it up, you will die. You can increase it by consuming food and water. You will find supplies by looting buildings. You are given a rather small inventory, so deciding what to take and what to leave is very important.

Sir, You Are Being Hunted recently entered beta stage, so you could expect there are a problems. For example, you can’t enter building, instead you have to click on a door and see the available items. I have found the visibility meter to be a bit glitchy at some times. But the biggest problem is that the robots have almost no peripheral vision, and will only see you if standing right in front of them, or if you make a lot of noise.

Final Thought:
This game is still in early development, but I already like it a lot. I am excited to see future additions to the gameplay. My final rating for this game is a 8/10.