Terraria vs Minecraft: Which is the better game?

Even if you’ve spent most of your life with consoles, you’ve almost definitely heard of the PC hit Minecraft. With over 12 million copies sold, it is the most played game that hasn’t had an official release yet, second only to DoTa 2. I am also going to talk about a less known game, but by no means a worse game: Terraria. Whatever you do, don’t call Terraria a Minecraft clone, because it’s not. I know most of you will toss Terraria aside, saying that being 2-d makes it a terrible game. There are pros and cons for both of them. If you would like the building aspect of the game more, then I would recommend Minecraft. Being 3-d and having more materials to use makes the building possibilities for Minecraft more enjoyable. However, if you are interested in adventuring, Terraria is the game for you. Think you’ve seen it all by going from side to side of the map? Explore the caves, brave the dangers of the dungeon, challenge the bosses, or find the floating islands in the sky. That is really the deciding factor of which game is really better. One last thing, though. Stop calling Minecraft a survival game. It’s a sandbox game. Just because you have hunger doesn’t mean survival is a big part of the game.

4 thoughts on “Terraria vs Minecraft: Which is the better game?

  1. I enjoyed your post about Minecraft VS Terrarria. I play Minecraft and I am a huge fan. I don’t have Terraria, but I’ve watched gameplay on Youtube. After reading your post, I think I will give Terraria a try.

  2. I thought Terraria and Minecraft were actually exactly the same, but you changed what I think. Now I think that they are different and fun in there own ways.

  3. As a veteran of Minecraft and a newly-spawned of Terraria, I really enjoy they way you’ve explained both the games key aspects and features with a single fairly short post. What I thought of after reading this was community capabilities. To my knowledge I don’t know if Re-Logic (Terraria’s Developers) has made a way to modify the game code, and Mojang (Minecraft’s Developers) has allowed every piece of their game to be changed and modified, adding a whole new dimension to the mines. On the other hand, Terraria has many more items and things you can get, and has a much more developed RPG side of the game, with NPC’s that spawn in homes and all of the other little storyline helpers that all RPGs need. I really hope you don’t take this as criticism of the beautiful description of this debate that’s been going on for so long.

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